Getting your paperwork under control!
Who here has that never-ending and continuously growing pile of paperwork?
Yep, us too. We have dedicated this month's blog to organising and ridding forever that unsightly and daunting pile. Our first tip is to separate your pile of papers into three categories.
1 – Recycling
2 – Paperwork which has personally identifiable information which needs to be shredded
3 – Papers to file
Start by sorting through and placing each document into the correct categories.
The first two are pretty self-explanatory as to what happens next with them. Pile three on the other hand is the one which is going to require a little more effort.
Filing away doesn’t need to be a hard task either. You have a few options as to where you would like to store your paperwork. A filing cabinet or a file are our recommendations. Either way, you are going to need some tabs to break your paperwork up into categories.
We like to break them down into sections such as house, car, health, miscellaneous. Each section can be its own file with subcategories inside. An example is ‘House’. The subcategories will be electricity bills, water bills, internet bills, insurance, etc.
Although sorting through your mountain of paperwork will be a time-consuming activity, to begin with, once you have the systems in place it's easy to put the papers away.
Happy de-cluttering!